a Rose for Harmony was published by A J F D'Souza, son of PG and Rose D'Souza, in October 1990.
Excerpts from the Introductory Note by A J F D'Souza
"This small work seeks to portray a woman called Rose, who history exemplifies moral philosophy in her life and actions. She will, doubtless, remind readers of their own beloved mothers and grandmothers."
"This work is dedicated to my sisters and brothers. My hope is that it will serve both as a record and as inspiration for a full biography."
"Parts 1 and 2 were written spontaneously in 1980 and Part 3 in 1986 and 87. I appreciate the criticism that these vignettes are not as nice as a running Biography would be. However, I am conscious of my limitations having been away from Bangalore for forty years to do justice to so rich a life. My desire is that some gifted member of the tribe, now ten score will embark on "THE P.G. D'SZOUA SAGA' in due course."